Quilt Raffle - 2012
Can't attend the Show?... buy quilt raffle tickets now!
Raffle tickets are available NOW and have begun to sell for this gorgeous one-of-a-kind steel guitar theme quilt. The drawing will take place Saturday evening, January 21st, but if you can't be there... send in your raffle ticket money now and you can compete for this lovely keepsake that was hand-fabricated by Meriul Easton and Peggy Porter. You do not have to be present to win.

Printable tickets are here. To enter, print and fill out your tickets, then send with $5 per ticket or $10 per 3 tickets (cash, check, or money order) to:
SWSGA, Attn: Quilt RaffleP.O. Box 1129
Globe, AZ 85502